Managing a rental garden

Getting a Security Screen Door for Your Home

by Glen Shelton

Getting a security screen door in front of your ordinary door can exceptionally increase the security of your house. If you get a proper security door, fitted for your purposes, this will make it significantly harder for intruders to get through your door and into your house. It can also help you protect your home from animal intruders, as you can leave your ordinary door open while having the screen door closed. To make sure you get a security screen door that can protect your home as well as possible, there are a few things you should think about when getting this type of door.


Screen doors solely made for the purpose of ventilating differ from security doors, as they are usually made from some type of net to keep insects out. A security screen door is usually made from some type of metal to provide durability in case someone was to try to break in. When considering what type of metal you want to use for your security screen door, you need to evaluate your preconditions. Aluminium is preferable if you don't want to perform any maintenance to make the security door rustproof, as aluminium is very unlikely to rust. It might, however, be a rather expensive material. Steel needs to be recoated with rust repellent regularly to not rust, but the material might be cheaper to purchase.

Aesthetic choices

Make sure you choose a material that you find aesthetically pleasing. Painting the security screen door might add more maintenance for you to do to keep it looking good. As the door is out in the sun all day, the paint might react poorly and force you to repaint it more often than you'd like. If you choose a softer metal, like aluminium, you can also get a solid metal door with laser cutting for aesthetic purposes instead of just a door made from steel bars, which is one of the more common types of screen doors.

Reinforced door frame

You should also consider getting the door frame reinforced for making it even harder to break through it. Getting a steel door frame covered in wood for your security screen door will make it look like it would be easily kicked open, but it would in reality be able to withstand tremendous amounts of force and look nice at the same time. Getting this for the ordinary door as well will provide for another layer of protection for your doors.
