Managing a rental garden

How to Know When Your Double Glazing Fails and Some Common Remedies

by Glen Shelton

Double glazing is an crucial part of the comfort mechanisms of the house through its insulation and acoustic properties. However, because of the exposure to elements and human contact, double glazing suffers faults and damage regularly needing repair or replacement. The most common problems with double glazing are these:

  1. Leaks – The double glazing lets in rainfall and other forms of precipitation into the house while leaking heat during cooler months.
  2. Condensation between the glass panes – You detect condensation in form of vapour or droplets between the two panes of glass of the double glazing.
  3.  Cracks, chips, and holes – These appear on either the glass panes, window frame or the uPVC sealants between the edges of the windows and the glass panes.
  4.  Draughts – The sensation of a draught when one is near the double glazed window.

After establishing the fault affecting your double glazing, an appropriate course of action should be taken to repair it. In some instances, a total replacement could be necessary depending on the type and extent of damage. Although some repair jobs on double glazed windows are easy enough to be handled by the owner, window repairers should always do it to avoid injury by the glass panes and ensure better results. The common courses of action for the mentioned problems are these:

  1. Leaks – If they are on the window frame, the repairer should replace the faulty weather seals. If precipitation is coming in through the windowpane, the repairer should replace the faulty uPVC sealants and pane mountings. Afterwards, the repairer could check the entire double glazed window to ensure no leaks went unnoticed.
  2.  Condensation between the glass panes – The presence of condensation between the panes means the sealants between them may have sprung loose. The repairer should replace them since they buckle with time due to exposure to the sun.
  3.  Cracks, chips, and holes – The only course of action for cracks, chips, or holes on the windowpane, or any of the sealants within a double glazed window is complete replacement. However, with the frame, as long as it does not affect the double glazing function, repairs should suffice.
  4. Draughts – The remedy necessary for draughts depends on whether they are within the window itself or between it and the wall. Filler material such as putty could sort out any gaps between the window frame and the wall. Draughts on the window mean one of the sealants has failed and needs replacement.
